Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis III

A.    Buatlah 10 kalimat question tag ?
Jawab :
Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.
Contoh :
1.    he is a doctor, isn’t he?
2.    They are not happy, are they?
3.    Robert  isn’t here, is he?
4.    Firdaus goes to campuss by a car, doesn’t he?
5.    They Like Tea, don’t they?
6.    I am a teacher, aren’t I?
7.    Dewi will invite us, won’t she?
8.    Machyudi looks pale, doesn’t he?
9.    Stop the noise, will you?
10.    Aji has never gone to Jayapura, has he?

B.    Buatlah 10 kalimat conditional sentences?
Jawab :
Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat majemuk yang dapat kita gunakan ketika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut adalah suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya. Di dalamnya terdapat klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dan klausa akibat (RESULT CLAUSE). Pada bentuk conditional sentences kita menggunakan kata "if (jika)".
Contoh :
1.    If I’m not busy, I come to your party.
2.    If the weather is nice tomorrow, i will go on a cinema.
3.    If we taught this class, we would not give tests.
4.    If Rina were here right now, she would help us.
5.    If I were you, I would go to club right now.
6.    If we had studied, we would have passed the exam.
7.    If I had called Reza, he would have come here right now.
8.    If it's raining here now, then it was raining on the Jakarta this evening.
9.    If he said that to me, I would run away.
10.    If you had done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

C.    Jelaskan pengertian adjective and adverb dan buat contohnya?
Jawab :
Adverbs adalah kata keterangan. Adverbs dan adjectives memiliki kesamaan. Jika ditinjau dari segi filsafat bahasa, kedua kata ini diawali dengan kata “Ad” yang memungkinkan adanya arti “Add” atau “penambahan”. Jika adjectives menambahkan kejelasan arti pada benda-benda (nouns), maka adverbs menambahkan kejelasan terhadap kata kerja (verbs).

Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. They may come before the word they describe (That is a cute puppy.) or they may follow the word they describe (That puppy is cute.).

Adverbs are words that modify everything but nouns and pronouns. They modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. A word is an adverb if it answers how, when, or where.
Contoh :
1.    When He was reading an English book, my friend came.
2.    I’ll tell you as soon as I know.
3.    Ratna did a good job.
4.    Well answers how.
5.    Here the woman did actively look with eyes, so the fly is added.
6.    I do not feel well. You do not look well today.
7.    I feel good about my decision to learn Indonesian.
8.    She run more quickly than he did.
9.    Talk more quietly.
10.    This pencil is mine.

D.    Jelaskan pengertian so and such dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
So and Such digunakan untuk menyampaikan sebab akibat, bedanya hanya terletak pada penempatan Part of Speech. Setelah kata such diikuti noun phrase (kata benda), sedangkan setelah kata so diikuti adjective (kata sifat).

Contoh :
1.    That was such an amazing motorcyle that amazed everybody.
2.    The motorcyle was so amazing that everybody felt stunned.
3.    She is such a good girl that we always miss her.
4.    Erwin is such a smart boy that he always wins a competition.
5.    The foggy was so heavy that I was afraid to go out.
6.    The women was so scared that she worried to watch the movie.

E.    Jelaskan pengertian yes and no question dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :

F.    Jelaskan pengertian A Few  and Few dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
A Few berarti several atau beberapa, menyatakan hal yang positif, dipakai kata di depan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.    I wish you would come here a few days.
2.    I was glad to have a few chairs.
3.    I have a few laptops besides you.
4.    One can always rely on a few people.
Few berarti not many, atau dengan perkataan lain, berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di muka kata benda bentuk jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.    Few people will admit their faults.
2.    Has she few erasers?
3.    He has few friends except they.
4.    There are few pens in that table.

G.    Jelaskan pengertian little and a little dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
Little berarti not much, tidak banyak atau sedikit jumlahnya, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.    He have little time to do it.
2.    I was sorry to find that i had little money.
3.    There is little hope for her to recover.
4.    There is little petrol in this tank.
5.    They had little money.

A Little berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang positif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.    She is glad She has a little time left.
2.    Tono has a little money with him.
3.    Will we have a little wine?
4.    Please give me a little chocolate.
5.    Daus had a little money.

H.    Jelaskan pengertian enough dan buatlah contohnya ?
Enough adalah kata sifat bilangan (numeral adjectives) atau kata sifat kuantitatif (Quantitative Adjectives).
Contoh :
1.    Reza ate enough rice.
2.    Lisa ate meat bol enough.

I.    Jelaskan pengertian because and because of dan buatlah contohnya ?
•    Because  adalah conjuction (kata sambung) yang berarti karena. Dalam written dan spoken English, because selalu diikuti oleh Subject + Verb. “Because” juga menghubungkan dua klausa (kalimat) yang memiliki bentuk tense (waktu) yang sejenis.

Contoh :
1.    Tono can’t go to the school because he feels tired
2.    You stay here because this is a good idea
3.    We came here because this is a good place
4.    Rina was absent from class because her cold was worse
5.    They decided to stay at home because the weather was so bad
6.    Daus went to sleep because he was tired

•    Because of berarti disebabkan atau dengan alasan yang fungsinya sama dengan because. Berbeda dengan because yang diikuti oleh Subjek + Verb, because of  selalu diikuti oleh Noun (kata benda)
Contoh :
1.    I am here because of you
2.    Harun can’t go to the campus because of his sickness
3.    Dedy feel so sad because of his death
4.    Galih had to go early to the office because of the meeting
5.    She succeeded in the test because of her hard work
6.    Vina becomes the member of chearleader club because of her hobby
7.    Tika fall in love with him because of his honest